In August 2009, towards the end of the 30 years long civil war in the country, SOS CV SL was invited by the Sri Lankan Government to take care of the unaccompanied children in the Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) Camps in the north of the country. In response, SOS CVSL set up Temporary Care Programme at Manik Farm - Chettikulam IDP Camp in August 2009. Within the first few days, nearly 250 children found shelter and care in this Emergency Relief Programme.
While caring for these children, SOS Co-workers were also working with other NGOs and government authorities to find the families of these young children. Within an year, the Organization was able to find the families of most of the children. After two years of the Temporary Care Programme, 81 children, who have lost either their biological parents or the parents were physically challenged due to civil war, remained under SOS care.
The Village is situated five km from the Jaffna town and consist of 12 family houses.
The sixth SOS Children’s Village was set up in Jaffna with these 81 children being cared for in two rented houses until completion of the construction of a SOS CV and other projects.